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Click for TOP PRIORITY RED ALERT PRESS RELEASE on Ms. Gutman's visionary presentation made for ISME 29th Seminar of Research Commission @35th World Conference of ISME
Also click for ADDENDUM - Protect embattled and scarce music/Arts educators/therapists and humanity from public health hazard of unconstitutional IMPUNITY for crimes by public servants, that encourages resentment to desperately needed urgent change, amounting to millions of still preventable illnesses and human deaths!
Support our Call for funding and facilitation of access for ALL to high quality music education to develop skills for harnessing Music instinct to use for brain optimisation through expansion of whole-brain, INTEGRATIVE cognition - existential for overcoming self defeat consciousness during COUNTDOWN2045 to prevent agony of undeclared pandemic of rising environmental illnesses and birth defects, and including infertility, leading to HUMAN extinction onset among grandchildren of today's adults:
Use 25% OFF discount for download of new insightful and TEXTBOOK CHANGING eBOOK WITH DIDACTIC UPDATE INFORMATION, graciously shared by MS ROZALINA GUTMAN. Part of proceeds will SUPPORT FURTHER RESEARCH on the subjects, initiated by J S BACH through his risk taking battle with persecution by resentment to his riveting innovarions. Go to
Click to join Int'l and local CELEBRITIES who support under-publicized causes of C.H.A.R.I.S.M.A. Foundation, initiated by Rozalina Gutman
Rozalina Gutman led Intl Symposium on Advocacy for Music/Arts Education through Brain/Music Research, part of 29th World Conference of Intl Society for Music Education (Click to read more...)
Click to go to LIBERATE BACH! page to inquire about upcoming online courses, workshops, private coaching by Ms. Rozalina Gutman, dedicated to Sensory Reawakening & Emotional Liberation from the false educational standard for withholding expression in J.S.Bachs music - the critical empowerment step for all musicians that had been misled and forced to practice cognitive dissonance. Also SHARE! our C.H.A.R.I.S.M.A.tic CALL for centuries overdue $ TAX BREAK FOR MUSICIANS & ARTISTS, initiated by our Founder Rozalina Gutman to assure critical society-wide alignment to VIBRATIONAL nature of our universe, by recalibrating the brain through music and applications of specific sound frequencies. |
Uncommon intellectual leadership of Ms. Rozalina Gutman enabled her new Ebook PARADOX OF INVISIBLE DISSONANCE IN FUGUE-PARODY BY J.S.BACH to provide insightful guidlance for the readers through easy examination of the significant discrepancy of many didactic aids for teaching Bach's music with the score facts on left undetected composer's defiant use of banned by dogma dissonant sonorities, with the meaning of grotesque parody on dogma. And its symbolism resembled his experience of suffering from mockery of Justice, that aimed to stain the good name of genus Prisoner of Conscience Bach, who committed no crime, and yet was TOO POOR to afford adequate, unbiased legal defence, in order to object false accusations, that led to his FALSE monthlong imprisonment, in dire violation of human rights... The assumption that FALSE imprisonment must have been "deserved" by the victim of systemic persecution by poverty (Lucifer Effect) is the result of CONFORMITY to GROUPTHINK (Asch Effect) AND NO VIGILANCE TO MISUSE OF AUTHORITY to lower moral standards (Milgram Effect) of Bach's contempormatures - all allowed to succeed for the ill minded effort to assassinate his character with FALSE convict-stigma: And as the result, the ill minded effort to subject Bach to lifelong witch-hunt succeeded, in retaliation to change, caused by his bold innovations for using music for self-reflection and emotional liberation from traumatic inertia, that threatened social order of senseless and cruel monarchy.
Unique perspective of piano instructor allowed for the unique insights of Rozalina Gutman for the uncommon charity in reflection of inner psychological drivers for staggering collective blind spot over self explanatory, indisputable, yet commonly missed score facts, related to emboldened dissonance, that resulted from the impacts on perception/cognition of many musicians by the conformity to the moral atrocity culture. Her hands on experience of Master piano instructor allowed for the resonance to Bach's own teaching duties of creating scaffolding for optimizing learning process, that had been lacking in Bach's scholarsh, revealing paradoxical promotion of the tradition of devaluation of this profession of music educators, contrary to their unique capacities and dedication of Consciousness Transformer to foster the skills for harnessing joy-neurotransmitters for advancing brain function and elevating individual and collective consciousnes.
Tradition of politically correct distortions of these and related parts of Bach's legacy had misled millions of musicians into the observed staggering collective blind spot over the core of his legacy of bold music innovator with neuroscientist's mindset. Among various other parts of his legacy, Bach ingenuity in his efforts of prevention in his students' development of ZOMBIFICATION IN MUSIC AND BEYOND, was paradoxically ...deleted from his legacy of Master music educator. Ms Gutman's observed evidence of its link to cognitive dysfunction opened the gates to the new directions in research on Emotional/Sensory Reawakening, as the viable tool for brain function optimization, by prevention of the disruption of INTEGRATIVE, BILATERALLY BALANCED cognitio.
Ms. Rozalina Gutman had been also internationally recognized as Master music educator for fostering prodigious success in young students, in defiance of low educational standards. She appeared as presenter and multidisciplinary scholarat at intl conferences. She had been the proactive embattled advocate for the access for ALL to development of Higher Human Potential through music education - EXISTENTIAL, due to vibration-based interacellular communications of human body/mind.
Rozalina Gutman's emerging intellectual leadership in advocacy for ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE and for the urgent need for global, local and personal shift to NO BUSINESS AS USUAL mobilization attitude, had been based on multidisciplinary applications of the evidence from her discoveries of the Paradox of invisible dissonance in Bach's Fugue-Parody. It provided evident music-embodied SENSORY AUGMENTED DATA for formulation of BACH SENSORY DEACTIVATION EFFECT (BSDE), with global, textbook changing impacts: Observed trend of the shared flaw in recordings/musicological analysis of J.S.Bach's Fugue-Parody provided music-embodied, deeper understanding of otherwise elusive, subliminal mechanisms of SELF DEFEATING collective blind spot, beyond earlier oversimplified textbook classic concepts of social influences in the case-studies for Asch, Milgram, Lucifer Effects: Collectively practiced EMOTIONAL REPRESSION (FALSELY required in music of Bach by FALSE educational standards, based on distorted biographical facts) led to SENSORY DEACTIVATION (of eyesight/hearing senses), under the pressure of conformity, resulting in stunning display of collective disability to register SCORE FACTS, related to dissonance, ironically emboldened and made hard to miss by Bach. Liberated from emotional confinement by limited dynamics Music of Consciousness Transformer Bach revealed the evidence of the trend of transmutation of the epitome of "the culture of lies", morphing into maladaptive, subliminal collective perception incapacity to detect its harms. This, based on herd instinct evolutionary relic demonstrated staggering power, indiscriminate of talent, intellect, academic titles, distinction honours, acclaim, and fame. Now, everyone deserves to gain the awareness of the fact, that evidently, even the best minds of gifted musicians could not withstand the affliction by conformity driven self defeat, due to the pressure of combined forces of groupthink/authority/moral atrocity culture.
This hard to grasp aspect of unconscious mind of various renown gifted musicians and their audiences/readers, provides rare glimpse into inner psyche for gaining the awareness for the vulnerability of individual/collective consciousness and the resilience to the misuse of public trust and manipulation. This rare glimpse into unconscious mind provided the stunning display for the impacts of tolerance for "the culture of lies", morphing into physical manifestation of actual change in adequate perception of reality to cognitive incapacity of localized "blindness".
Additionally, fortunately, observed RECOVERY from the blind spot, as the result of music-based EMOTIONAL/SENSORY REAWAKENING provided THE EVIDENT SOLUTION TO THE SOCIOSOMATIC PROBLEM, captured partially, but left UNSOLVED in textbook classic concepts for social influences in Asch, Milgram, Lucifer Effects, since music-embodied sensory-augmented data was not involved in case studies, leading to oversimplification of complexity. This, embodied through music (uniquely designed by Bach Fugue-Parody) new depth-perception brought tangible HOPE to hopelessly oversimplified and left with no solutions multitude of related unsolved problems, with global implications, including manifestatio of fast approaching global threats.
This case exemplified the oversimplification trend in sciences, due to disconnect with vibrational nature of all matter in our universe (as in String Theory of Einstein), l vibrational essence of intracellular communications of human body cells with neurochemicals (as in Candace Pert, PhD. book "Molecules of Emotion" with Preface by Dr. Deepak Chopra).
Watch brief presentation, prepared by Ms. Rozalina Gutman for 29th ISME Research Commission @35th World Conference of Intl Society for Music Education, that was focused on urgent multidisciplinary implications, allowing for the precious grasp of psychological drivers of leaving undeclared(!) INDISCRIMINATE pandemic of environmental illnesses (infertility, cancer, autism, other birth defects, etc.) from normalized chemical hazards, permitted by Sensory Complicity to toxicity in multitude of common consumer products. The choice for the spotlight for this example of application of BSDE was due to the UNRECOGNIZED urgency of the subject and the paradoxical lack of THE TOP PRIORITY for preventing fast approaching collapse of civilization in agony of man-caused, anthropgEnid ENVIRONMENTAL illnesses, still preventable during fast closing window of opportunity to revert from SELF DEFEATING SLEEPWALKING into self demise. .
The framing from cases on Conformity to Social Influences provided framing for general navigation through the logic-bending Paradox of invisible dissonances. The applied use of the framing of Bach Sensory Deactivation allowed for the deeper understanding of the inner mechanisms of the collective blind spot of widespread WARPED PRIORITIES, leading to personal contributions to environmental insanity-consciousness, are caused by the similar mechanism of SENSORY DEACTIVATION - DEACTIVATED PAIN ALARMS TO TOXICITY, caused by the subliminal adaptation to societal addiction to toxic conveniences in the man-made environment. Widespread toxicity became "the fabric of our life" often with no/hard to find healthy alternatives, due to FALSE Health and Safety Standsrds, irrespective of its CUMULATIVE effects, due to Sensory Complicity to toxic hazards.
(*) And while subliminal PAIN ALARMS DEACTIVATION correlated with COGNITIVE DYSFUNCTION of the blind spot, is hard to grasp, fortunately (and thanks to Bach) such subliminal process could be (and should be) witnessed in the case of such reflection. Such embodiement through music of Bach - designed by him for self reflection and emotional liberation, but distorted by centuries of emotional confinement to the point of observed absurdity, is a must to attend for all, helping to make sense of evolutionary young human brain, and allowing for self-propelled evolution.
Observations of Bach Sensory Deactivation Effect helped illuminating otherwise hard to grasp core psychological drivers of this rapidly increasing indiscriminate trend of susceptibility to "the ensalvement" by normalized ethical violations and institutionalized moral atrocity. (See specific references in presentation, including 60+ global fertility studies, with data on 50% dicrease of fertility in today's males, compared to grandfathers generatio, leading to ZERO Sperm Global Crisis (HUMAN extinction onset by 2045, according to 60+ global fertility studies.)
In the face of widespread affliction of habituation to man-caused toxicity, the significance of cognitive optimization through music-based EMOTIONAL/SENSORY REAWAKENING had been proved to be effective in breaking the blind spot of cognitive paralysis.
The SKILLS for using Music/Arts had become EXISTENTIAL, being applied as the tool for mitigation of the current state of zombification, as "the assistive device" for sensory augmentation of the urgency for the lost pain-informed capacity for detecting/avoiding chemical hazards intuitively and instinctively. The task to recreate the urgency of warning, based on lost sense of shut down pain response, with the purpose of facilitating realignment of existential priorities, is crucial for personal health/life and for policy design, aiming for assuring for the collective survival of communities, cities, and our interconnecte pglobal village.
Furthermore, the observed evidence of demonstrated another unique, crucial for optimizing cognition, unique capacity of liberated Bach's polyphony: Emotionally/analytically balanced, authentic engagement with it demonstrated measurable impact of restoring disrupted by stress optimal, balanced bilateral brain function, propelling the surge of integrative, generative Eureca-cognition (manifesting into cascade of discoveries).
Additionally, the engagement with clarified by restored nuanced dynamics polyphonic texture promotes multitasking capacity of the brain to reflect and engage in holistic manner with multiplicity of the polyphonic reality of inner and outer universe of human existence, instead of linear, oversimplified, primitive vision of reality. Symphonic prioritizing capacity to handle multiple, fluidly shifting priorities is the critical task in developing advanced cognition, impossible to attain without balanced heart-brain link and well-established conscious/unconscious cognitive synchrony, based on self-reflection skills. Such intangible assets of intellectual leadership may not continue to lack, to continue to be "optional" among developmental tools. And it is critical to recognize the danger of such lack of holistic mindset among the leadership at the time of pivotal moment in human history, that determines existential choices for today and tomorrow, both on individual and collective consciousness levels.
In the face of the new, urgent NO BUSINESS AS USUAL Top Priority for prevention of fast approaching Health crisis, along with onset of HUMAN extinction, the sobriety from the tolerance of the culture of politically correct lies, transfigured into the new dimension of normality - the collective cognitive/moral blind spot. Awareness of this cognitive basis for self defeat with global scale existential danger is overdue to manifest into public declaration of abolition of impunity for abusing power at all levels in the society (especially when it comes to invitation for crimes among public servants), due to being equally unbearable and indiscriminately unaffordable for ALL in our interconnected universe.
A must for ALL observation and awareness about Bach Sensory Deactivation Effect (BSDE) makes visible the tactics of skillful manipulation and misuse of power for illminded, self serving goals, used by psychopaths in authority, as the strategy of War on Minds, involving ruthless character assassination of their critics with slanderous lie and mischaracterization of facts, for engaging unsuspecting individuals to act as "the warriors" for their imprudent aims, that are based in the self defeating personal sense of hopelessness and pursuits of false causes, dictated by inner demons of unrecognized/unpacked childhood developmental trauma, seldom addressed at nonverbal, suboiminal level of consciousness, where it actually resides. Learning the skills of harnessing ancestral gift of Music instinct for self reflection and self mastery is (and should be) the key educational goal for educational policy designers, currently in dire non-compliance with critical for human development research.
(*) The scarce capacity of detection through pain sensitivity of the increasing toxicity among the majority is retained by rather rare individuals with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity MCS, and should be utilized for establishing of the relevant to human needs Health/Safety Standards. But the warped priorities and PREJUDICE TO MINORITY WITH PAINFUL GIFT, cultivated by the industries of chemical pollutants, is the LEARNING BARRIER for following the data on normalized hazards. This senseless bias is also the mental obstacle to required by law, but rarely enforced accommodations for MCS disability by individuals, mindless of own health/safety. The depths of such institutionalized "painless" habituation and zombificarion reached the point of denying personal ahency and lacking love to own loved ones, along with following the ethics, essential for humanity's survival. Thus, in the midst of majority's "painless" oblivion to fatal toxic conveniences, recognition of the significance and urgency to employ this rare painful gift is a marker for intellectual leadership. Such key resource is invaluable for ALL to shield from the mindset, that is no longer capable to grasp indiscriminate cumulative impacts of toxicity on personal health and humanity's survival, lacking imagination for causing today the damage of tomorrow's birth defects to OWN offsprings, while being consumed by the state of environmental insanity. (See research evidence from Dr. Molot in his book "12,000 canaries can't be wrong")
Subscribe to newscast to be the first to know about upcoming publications, and to have the priority opportunity to hear about collaborative opportunities both in music and in the areas of multidisciplinary implications, originated from sensational discovery of previously unrecognized meaning of J.S.Bach's Fugue-Parody, composed around the time of his false retaliatory imprisonment (in violation of his human rights and due to lack of funds to hire defen lawyer). Now, this maverick is unearthed from the blinding convention of false educational standard by our insightful Founder Ms. Rozalina Gutman. This evolutionary relic of the ancient Flock instinct indiscriminately continues to enslave the minds of people, who lack the practice of sensory reawakening through restorative counterpoint of the Arts and music, critical for addressing global epidemic of stress-caused inter-hemispheric imbalance of the brain. Now, thanks to powerful MUSIC INSTINCT, this piece can serve as container for joyous solutions that could be found for the complexities of otherwise hard to grasp cognitive dissonance and their societal manifestations, that were not merely attempted to be addressed before. Timeless genius Bach continues to bring hope to the darkest corners of human psyche
" Rozalina Gutman is accomplished pianist with the special kind of "Russian Accent" that is often called "passion" - said Karl Ulrich Schnabel, renowned pianist and internationally acclaimed master teacher & Intl authority on piano pedagogy (the son of Arthur Schnabel, the author of used internationally edition of Beethoven's Sonatas for piano), while signing the recommendation for Ms. Gutman, required for entering the contest for the young performers, that she won shortly after...
Internationally renowned conductor and pianist Vladimir Ashkenazy highly praised the Rhapsody "Yearning for Peace", composed by Rozalina Gutman, calling it "...intense, colorful, full of almost shamanic power, as well as demanding for virtuosity from the performer...".
"Ms.Gutman's performance of D# Minor Etude by Scriabin is the exception of all rules! This is only possible due to her amazing technique, that is natural and yet so effective, and can be only explained due to the renowned Russian Piano Tradition that she inherited..." - exclaimed Dr. Frank Wilson MD, Intl authority in the field of hand neurology, author of the multi-disciplinary book "The Hand", after hearing and watching Ms. Gutman play this one of the most challenging (even for male pianists) pieces in piano literature, followed by measuring and examining her rather small hands.
SHARE your thoughts after LISTENING to the inspiring story with the special musical interlude about her life changing experience of being among the witnesses of demonstration of aura by powerful energy healer Varvara Ivanova, and her CALL FOR RAISING ETHICS IN OUR SOCIETY, IN ORDER TO ATTAIN HIGHER HUMAN POTENTIAL, WITH THE RESONANT HEALING QUALITIES OF MUSIC
Get in touch to let us know if you would like to become a member with EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGES FOR THE SPECIAL OFFERS (NOT YET AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC), including limited openings and/or WAIT LIST for joining the program
Ms. Rozalina Gutman with Prof of neuroscience Peter Janata, discussing brain-balancing strategies for using music |
Struggling Artist is the senseless concept... Our societys leaders should comply with the Einsteins String Theory, pointing the essential nature of MUSIC - the vibrational expression of our vibration-based Universe, where vibration is the unifying measure of ALL MATTER, and everything and anything is defined simply by the vibrations of various frequencies on subatomic level. OUR SOCIETYS LEADERSHIP NEEDS TO FOCUS ON ALIGNING EVERYTHING WITH THIS FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF OUR BEING, FINALLY EASING THE PLIGHT OF MUSICIANS AND ARTISTS, HAVING TO SHARE THEIR GIFT UNDER THE OATH OF POVERTY |
Would you like to elevate your brain function to your Higher Human Potential? We found the Secret for turnimg enjoyment of Bach's music into COGNITIVE ADVANCEMENT process! Sign up to be among the first to experience how the cognitive technology Transformative Listening™️ makes it enjoyable for both musicians & non-musicians! Join us and support our strive to enable J.S.Bach's intentions to propel evolution of all members of human race, by advancing together towards our collective Higher Human Potential:
Together, as the family of his true devotees, we can help J.S.Bach win his 300 y.o. unfinished battle for using music as the ancestral gift for calibration and transformation of the evolutionary young and still often misfiring human brain, using his music as a counterpoint to the malfunctions and blind spots of the conflicting one another parts of the human brain with the different evolutionary age.
* * * * *
Find out and SHARE your EUREKA! about the true facts that enable our strive to LIBERATE BACH! - J.S.Bach-led Intl Campaign to liberate musicians & their audiences from the wrong performance standards that institutionalize emotional withholding, falsely imprisoning his music by the false convention, based on distortion of his biographical facts, while causing often unrecognized mental blocks of traumatic cognitive dissonance.
Ms. Rozalaina Gutman is a proud ARTivist, multidisciplinary scholar, and the avid hands-on practitioner of the transformative power of music to propel evolutionary process of human brain development, through the effects of transfer of the mastered music-making skills on the broader balanced personal growth and development of the mind and character in her piano composition students of all ages and levels.
She is internationally recognized music educator, passionate stage performer, as a concert pianist and award-winning songwriter, scholar and community advocate, proactively involved in the causes of Music Education for ALL.
She led International Symposium on Advocacy for Music Education for ALL, through Brain/Music Research Evidence (Beijing, China), part of 29th World Conference of ISME (International Society for Music Education), world's oldest and most esteemed organization in the field. Her original sing-along composition for voice/chorus/piano "RESONANCE" (inspired by the work of neuroscientist Daniel Levitin) was featured as the Internation Campaign Anthem at the Jubilee 30th World Conference of ISME (Greece), performed by the distinguished Greek singer Athena. The subject of development of emotional intelligence, the ways to increase the capacity for empathy and compassion (as highlighted by Prof. Dacher Keltner in his best-seller "Born to Be Good" and "Compassionate Instinct") through the means of music/arts education has been in the focus of Ms. Gutman's attention most recently, due to having to face the unprecedented level of cruelty, unfairness, lack of ethics and injustice in various areas of leadersip.
Ms. Gutman had never turned away a single child-student for the lack of funds. She grew in the family of the doctors, widely known for their kindness to provide free medical care - her mother, periodontist and her aunt, ophtalmology/eye specialist. She was born/grew up in Crimea,Ukraine, Soviet Union, where she began studying the art of piano playing since the age of four with Ludmila S. Piletskaya, known for her mastery to nurture in young children the ability for highly detail-oriented, emotionaly nuanced music expression, balanced with good analytical skills, based on music theory, that had become a rare commodity and that Ms. Gutman is had been successfully shareing in her own teaching, focused on authentic expression and sensory reawakening, unfairly undermined in our society to the great psychological and physical detriment. Following her diplomas with honors at the City-sponsored Children Music School, and State-funded Tchaikovsky College of Music in Crimea, she proceded for her advanced post-graduate studies to the nation's oldest and most acclaimed Moscow Teachers' Training University, Music Dept., where she had earned Honorable Scholarship.
During her studies in Moscow, she had also become a proud follower of Grigoriy Ivanovich Shatkovkiy, the creator the Method of teaching composition to all children. (She had helped organizing his all-Crimea regional summer seminar, provided by City-funded School of Arts for free to music educators.) Since her childhood, both piano performance and composition were a big part of her life. Her unique contribution to the field of CREATIVITY-education (the article, introducing her upcoming Textbook on Composition for Beginners) was featured in the peer-reviewed publication by the esteemed international body of collegues, who gathered for the Seminar of the Commission on Education for the Professional Musician, part of the 28th World Conference of ISME (Italy, 2008).
She immigrated to US in 1991 as a refugee, being forced to leave her piano in Soviet Union, and had lived in San Francisco Bay Area since that time, calling Berkeley, CA, USA her new home for many years since 1993. She has become known for being outspoken against local corrupt and cruel City administration bureaucrats, who had launched unprecedented retaliatory vendetta against her whistle blower calls for investigation of misappropriation of public funds, unfair practices and violations of common regulations, while senselessly creating multiple man-made FIEE HAZARDS and endangering the entire community, resulting from the blind spots of being paralyzed by political games, confusing the senseless thirst for power with the top safety priority for the population.
Her song "Fearless Love" had won the award at the West Coast Songwriter Competition, held at the "Freight and Salvage", well-known for supporting both local artists/educators and featuring renown traveling musicians.
Rozalina Gutman appeared in the premier performance of her composition for voice and piano "Destination NEVERTHELESS", at the XV Pacific Voice Conference, at Pixar, Emeryville, CA. This innovative piece manifests the idea of inspiration for the creativity to thrive in our lives' the mission pursued by the newly founded & dynamic Non-Profit Foundation "CHARISMA".
Among other music, Ms. Gutman composed the original piano piece "Yearning for Peace", the Rhapsody based on Jewish liturgical, Klezmer themes and well-known Arabic song - an abbreviated version of the future ballet score, that she often includes in her programs for the performance venues and fundraising events.
Among her other awards, there are 1st prizes in Chopin and Concerto categories of SF Int'l Concerto Competition. Ms. Gutman performed as a solo pianist through various Bay Area well known venues, such as SF Performances at Six (two consecutive seasons), Noontime Concerts, Concerts at the Englander Victorian Mansion, etc., as well as for many fundraising events benefiting various non-profit organizations such San Francisco Symphony League of Volunteers, Bay Area Council for Soviet Jews (now Bay Area Jewish Rescue and Renewal), Russian-American Cultural Foundation, Russian Fair, etc.
During the past years Ms. Gutman became a successful and inspiring teacher while battling with the car accident's injury. She found her other calling through passing the intricate art of piano playing to the students of all ages and levels. Many students of Ms. Gutman made her very proud while playing solo with local orchestras, appearing in master classes with world famous musicians, winning various auditions and competitions, performing at State of California conventions and at various community events, such as Oakland Symphony Family Fair, SF Community Music Center Orchestra recitals and competitions, SF Concerto Orchestra Competitions, Berkeley Youth Arts Festival, Children's Hospital in Oakland, retirement centers as well as many other ones. Also, Ms. Gutman felt passionate about assisting many students in need with various scholarships. Ms. Gutman currently resides in North Berkeley Hills, where she teaches at her private Piano Studio. (To see more info, go to page "The Art and Science of Teaching").
Ms. Gutman has been actively participating in various activities of various educational non-profit organizations. She served as Ajudicator for Certificate of Merit Exam for Music Teachers Association of CA in Marin, San Francisco and Santa Clara Counties, as Memorial Scholarship Committee member, as a faculty member at the SF Community Music Center. During her appointment as a Chairperson for the Young Artist Award Competition of the Etude Club of Berkeley, she established Special Prize for the Original Composition (including new pieces in the form of Etude), engaging personal participation of nationally known musicians and patrons of the Arts.
Ms. Gutman organized various educational events, that included extensive Summer Training Workshop on Teaching Composition to Children with well known educator Grigory Shatkovsky (in Crimea, USSR), as well as master classes with the Silver Medalist of 10th Van Cliburn Int'l Piano Competition, Yakov Kassman at Russian Center in San Francisco as well as at her Piano Studio.
Ms. R Gutman takes pride in supporting various community causes. Ms Gutman donated CD's with her recordings to the events, organized by Alice Waters of Chez Panisse Foundation, to Multicultural Rally for Peace in Berkeley and in San Francisco, served as Artistic Advisor for Russian-American Cultural Foundation, collaborating also with the Russian Consulate in San Francisco where she performed to help raising funds.
Stay tuned for the updates on Ms. Gutman's SENSATIONAL DISCOVERY of unrecognized Fugue-Parody by J.S,Bach, and related groundbreaking efforts to bring attention to the untapped therapeutic power of J.S.Bach's legacy, that she had manifested the embodiment of the sonic portrait of cognitive dissonance, brilliantly captured by J.S.Bach in the composed by the daring Artivist polyphonic maverick of music comedy around the time of his false imprisonment. Following the incredible biographical coincident with her musical Idol's faith served as the call to launch the campaign for liberation of his music legacy from the centuries long imprisonment of his very passion for using music as the healing tool, by infusing music performance with engaging emotional expression, discouraged by the Church during his time, and still lingering after several centuries, due to inertia of repeating the erroneous misinterpretation of his biographical facts, contrary to his life-long risky dedication to restoring music's innate purpose of being the transformative force against the remnants of our evolutionary past.
Ms. Gutman's multidisciplinary innovations in the realm of addressing the blind spots and advancing cognitive performance through the music-centered cognitive technology applications aim at the root cause of most of personal and societal problems - the debilitated sensory capacity to feel our own pain, that should function again as the alarm, integral for our millennia old self-preservation instinct.
Thanks to seeing the root of national and racial prejudice in the lacking advanced function of abstract cognition and due to inheritance of multigenerational trauma, Ms. Gutman engaged into development of the promising therapeutic modalities, centered on music, to help develop abstract cognition skills, to address tribalism and to promote Oneness throughout people all over the world.
Please, show your avid support of her strive to raise awareness regarding unknown to the public and underpublicized, yet most critical for the human survival environmental causes of bringing US and CA legislation in compliance with the World and EU standards on banning hazardous chemicals, including the ban on neurotoxic artificial fragrances, chlorine, hazardous construction materials and other harmful substances illegally legalized due to the institutionalized blind spot of corrupt and SELF-DESTRUCTIVE process of political campaign contributions. Join Ms. Gutman in support of the emerging international effort
Your assistance in spreading this lifesaving info about the COMMON BLIND SPOT ON THESE LIFE THREATENING IMMUNE SYSTEM DISRUPTORS can protect many lives from deadly CORONA VIRUS, and reduce the amount of lacking ventilators.
Take advantage of the limited time offer to join the Inner Circle of Friends and Supporters of Rozalina Gutman and be a part of forging the legacy of the paradigm shift implications for the various realms of our society, Be a part of the planting the seeds effort to manifest the visionary creative innovations, enabled by music's magic to propel the development of the human brain, restoring the alignment with the course of evolution.
Also, show your support for Ms. Gutman's grassroots advocacy for Women's Heart, for the hospital compliance with finally starting to emerge gender-specific research and gender equality in the medical field. Join her calls for action toward preventing millions of women's deaths from the unannounced epidemic of Women's Heart Disease, #1 killer of women ;
Stay tuned for the info about the upcoming exciting news related to these and other inspiring and exciting ideas and developments!
Contact us at this time of the most promising expansion of the visionary, trend setting ideas and related upcoming development via email:
volunteers (at) CHARISMAfoundation (dot) org
The name C.H.A.R.I.S.M.A. is the acronym that stands for our unique causes, based on visionary discoveries of Ms. Rozalina Gutman, propelled by her uncommon commitment and dedication to their global significance:
Heal through
Assuring the
Inspiration and
Support for
Music and the