Music VS Childhood Trauma:
Importance of restoring inter-hemispheric brain balance for children of divorced families
By Rozalina Gutman,
Int’ly recognized music educator and multidisciplinary scholar
Every parent wishes well for their kids, and would do anything and everything to make their childhood happy and emotionally healthy. That is why, when I share my unique advice, based on the method, with those family who deal with divorce issues, I get a lot of appreciation (My method was featured at a number of Intl conferences): Indeed, it’s common to use counseling for children, when it comes to divorced families trying to ease traumatic impact of emotional toxicity and atmosphere of ongoing conflict. However, very few people realize what every psychology department student learns from their textbooks about human psyche, and yet is paradoxically taught to practice just the opposite:
The words can translate the sense of emotional pain only to a degree, and in some cases, verbal discussions fail to do so completely, thus failing to address the real problems, by scratching just only the tip of the iceberg in trauma counseling settings... This paradox at the core of the field of clinical psychology and psychiatry is overdue to change, because it is both ABSURD, WHILE BEING HURTFUL for millions of people. This is WHERE the changes in our society may not manifest too slow...
So, while this problem is yet to be corrected on a global scale, and, sadly, while majority of the public aren’t aware of this, we are proud to provide INTELLECTUAL LEADERSHIP:
Luckily, different - logic-based type of HIGH EFFICACY Expressive Arts counseling approaches had been developed, based on centuries long evolutionary history of ancestral traditional practices and development of the human brain, involving both THE EMPOWERING COMBINATION OF VERBAL COUNSELING WITH EMOTIONALLY EXPRESSIVE COMMUNICATION FORMS OF ELEMENTAL ARTS PRACTICES, employed to engage CONCEPTUAL MIND and to open up pathways into UNCONSCIOUS MIND, where residue of trauma is actually formed and stored...
Such approaches that focus on repatterning of the unwanted synaptic trauma habits is the key to the success. And modality created in the form of authentic NARRATIVE, involving dance-like expression to music, can be very powerful repatterning facilitator. (Contrary, verbal only counseling modality does not merely aim to such goals, since it is not possible to even conceive such idea without going beyond limitations of office cubicle space, when it comes to dealing with SOMATICS of the human psyche.)
There is important reason why for centuries Music has been used for healing:
it is possible thanks to the Music instinct (recently MADE EVIDENT through neuroscience studies) - human brain releases feel-good neurotransmitters with healing power, in response to proactive engagement with music.