At the dawn of the new millennium, at the time when technocratic trends and materialistic pursuits in our society attempt to overshadow the universal and everlasting values of Beauty and Artistic Expression, CHARISMA Foundation contributes to preserving the best of the Artistic Tradition and Achievement, as well as encourages the search for the new frontiers, that lead to the highest standards in Arts and Music.
and the Arts
are not a luxury, but
rather an everyday necessity
to be practiced by those who are
proud to strive beyond the mundane
endeavors of survival, to evolve to be called
Human Beings”.
CHARISMA Foundation strives to provide the vital link between companies, agencies, institutions, individual supporters and the Artistic Community.
CHARISMA Foundation supports those Artists and Musicians who are dedicated to promoting the high standards in Music and Arts Education and committed to sharing their unique masterful craft through the Art of Teaching.
CHARISMA Foundation provides scholarships to the pupils of various ages and economical, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, who strive to reach out to the high artistic values and standards.
CHARISMA Foundation inspires and commissions new works that aim to make a positive impact in the local community as well as within the Global Village.
CHARISMA Foundation aspires to help building the environment for the artists and the arts educators to exchange their ideas and to collaborate, to nurture their talents and to continue their professional growth.
CHARISMA Foundation assists in forming creative alliances in order to create and to promote products of educational, inspirational, motivation nature, produced according to high artistic standards.
CHARISMA Foundation provides various types of support and assistance to assure the successful manifestation for Music and the Arts projects and ventures.
Be CHARISMAtic! Join CHARISMA Foundation in support for Music and the Arts in our community.
We really appreciate your contributions of all kinds that enable our various projects to thrive successfully - be it your interest in purchasing our products, having ideas for building alliances to collaborate in various forms, offers to volunteer, individual financial contributions, as well as corporate sponsorship .
Knowing that you care about the same cause inspires and enables us to manifest in actions our desire, dedication and everyday effort to ensure that Music and the Arts is present in our lives and remains important in our society.
It tells us that you also believe in the power of Music and the Arts to communicate about Humanity's the most important ideas on the deepest level of Human consciousness - through the powerful artistic expression, directly from heart to heart.
It means that you are walking on the same path, leading in the direction, set by famous prolific Dostoevsky's prediction "Beauty will save the World."
We would be glad to share inspiration with you on this eventful journey . Please, contact us via:
or call us directly at 510.845.4624
It is a great pleasure to team up with those who resonate to the same wave length!